1-888-LIGHT-01 (1-888-544-4801)

Light Covers LLC - Our Light Covers

Light Covers

How To Obtain A Quotation For The Light Covers You Need

1. If you recognize your light cover on this website, please call or contact us.
2. Fax a sketch or tracing to us at 586-983-2439.
3. We'll send you a quotation.

How To Trace Your Light Cover

1. Place the end of your light cover on a piece of paper and trace the inside and outside edges.
2. Measure and record height, width, length, and where applicable, lips, hooks, holes etc. Please also specify "Hook to Hook" measurements where applicable.
3. Specify the color (clear, white, etc.) and finish (smooth, stippled, prismatic) of your light cover.
4. The approximate number of light covers that you need.

Step 1

Remove old lense from light fixture.

Step 2

Place old light fixture on paper and trace the outline inside and out.

Step 3

Measure overall length and other dimentions of lense.

Step 4

Fax tracing or sketch to